When launching a business in a new market, it is often said that making the first profitable sale is the hardest part. Many people I talk to will tell me that they have registered with SAM.gov and completed their company's capability statement. I liken it to sitting at a poker table with no chips, signing up to SAM.gov means you're at the table but not actually in the game.
Getting your first federal contract will be harder than registering with SAM.gov, but if you follow the right path, it can become a reality. The best strategy is to obtain a GSA Schedule Contract, which has several advantages over almost any other way to enter federal contracting.
Why GSA Schedules work and a SAM.gov registration does not:
1.Federal buyers can purchase directly from GSA Schedules without additional price justification. They cannot do this from SAM.gov.
2.Federal buyers use GSA Schedules for market research which are appropriately categorized, there is no way for them to do this in SAM.gov.
?3.GSA Schedules limit competition from hundreds of thousands of firms in SAM.gov to twelve thousand.
4.GSA Schedule holders are pre-vetted, saving federal buyers the time it takes to call references. Any firm can obtain a SAM.gov registration.
5.GSA Schedule can contain better solutions than the contracting officer imagined through GSA Hallways, which shares solutions amongst federal buyers. Once again this is far too advanced for a SAM.gov registration.
These advantages translate into an approximate fourfold increase in sales for GSA Schedule Holders in the federal contracting space compared to the counterparts.
Additional GSA Schedule Benefits:
GSA Schedules are simply a much more efficient way to get federal sales than SAM.gov
I always recommend contacting an industry expert such as Advance GSA to assist you in determining and discussing if the GSA Schedule benefits your firm or if your GSA Schedule contract needs modifications so that you can be sure you are not overlooking any important instructions. They do not charge for an initial consultation.