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HUBZone Firms Excel in Manufacturing

A HUBZone Certification can provide a boost to manufacturing firms, however less than a thousand take advantage of this SBA Certification.

Manufacturing is one of the best performing segments for HUBZone firms. This is illustrated by the fact that the average HUBZone firm has $1.6MM per year in federal sales, while the average HUBZone manufacturing firm has sales of $2.3MM.

A small percentage, under 200, of HUBZone firms take advantage of the GSA Schedule system. However, these firms’ pickup an additional $2.2MM in sales from participation on the GSA Schedule System.

HUBZone Manufacturing Firm w/ GSA Schedule Only - $368MM – 168 - $2.2MM

If you would like to see if there are any HUBZone firms in your line of work that are currently obtaining sales, and in what dollar amounts, I have listed those figures below. At the potential of creating over $4MM in federal business, HUBZone located manufacturing firms should at least take a hard look at selling to the federal government.

If you would like to discuss how your firm can participate in federal contracting by utilizing a HUBZone or a GSA Schedule, I always recommend contacting an industry expert such as ez8a or Advance GSA. Neither charge for an initial consultation.


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