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Aspiring 8a

Take Action - Creating and Completing a Social Disadvantage Narrative

The SBA is asking all 8(a) participants whose program eligibility is dependent on one or more people who relied on the presumption of social disadvantage to show their specific social disadvantage by completing a social disadvantage narrative in order to comply with the recent Court Ruling.

Here are important sources for preparing your social disadvantage narrative:

You can read and review the Guide for Demonstrating Social Disadvantage for guidelines that will assist you in preparing the submission of your social disadvantage narrative through the Certify system.

When Submitted:

SBA will assess your narrative after it has been filed to decide if the owner(s) of the business have shown a personal social disadvantage.

When Approved:

After your application has been accepted, the SBA will give you a social disadvantage qualification letter that will attest to the fact that you have a social disadvantage and are therefore qualified to continue receiving 8(a) contracts and participate in the 8(a) Business Development Program.

SBA is promoting its continued use as federal agencies seek for 8(a) and other socioeconomic small businesses to assist in fulfilling urgent mission requirements, notably at the conclusion of the fiscal year, when program usage is normally higher.

I always recommend contacting an industry expert such as ez8a or Advance 8a should you need help finalizing your social disadvantage narrative. For the first 10 to 15 years of completing applications, they helped with many of the narratives. Neither industry expert charges for an initial consultation.


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