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Active 8a

Value of a HUBZone Certification in Your State

There are currently over 40,000 businesses located in counties where the entire county is HUBZone eligible. Only a small fraction of these firms have undertaken the steps to obtain the HUBZone Certification providing the firm with preferential treatment in federal contracting.

How are HUBZone firms performing overall, and in your area?

Overall HUBZone Benefit

$12.1B HUBZone Sales in 2020

7,500+ HUBZone

$1.62MM Federal Sales per HUBZone Firm

HUBZone Sales by State

HUBZone sales are significantly greater for HUBZone firms located in the DC area. However, HUBZone firms located throughout the rest of the country also have robust sales.



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The 8a Experts