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How do I Market My Business to the Federal Government?

ez8a, one of the leading experts in 8(a) Business Consulting, has developed a series of processes to not only become certified, but to find ultimate success in the Federal Marketplace. As you will see in the video, Phase 3 shows how you can market your business to the Federal Government. Even though your firm may have recently jumped through a number of hoops to become 8(a) certified, the SBA isn't just a part of the government that stamps and then forgets. For 8(a) Certification holders, the SBA provides firms with a Business Development Specialist. But while the SBA will help in a number of ways, taking your marketing (and sales) efforts into your own hands as well through the use of expert consultants to get you in front of Federal Buyers, is well worth the money. After all, there is a world of new business potential that now exists through the 8(a) Certification. Realizing this as soon as possible will lead to greater sales. You have gone this far already, why not go the extra mile now?


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