The current market for firms with an 8(a) Certification is at an all-time high, with each firm averaging over $5 Million in revenue per year. The 8(a) Certification opens up significant opportunities for your business.
Reasons why businesses procrastinate on their 8(a) opportunities:
A. They are already too busy with current projects.
B. They don't know where to start the application process.
C. Starting the application process raises more questions than answers.
D. Updating documents like corporate minutes, resumes, websites, and other materials, seems overwhelming.
E. Updating financial statements for interim reporting feels like too much to handle.
What procrastination is costing you:
A. There are roughly 5,700 8(a) firms sharing over $40 Billion in federal contracts annually, translating to over $5.6 Million per 8(a) firm.
B. 8(a) firms can only stay in the program for nine years, creating turnover and new contracting opportunities for firms entering the program.
C. 8(a) firms have special Government-wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs), like the 8(a) STARS Program, providing numerous contracting opportunities.
D. The Sole-source provision for 8(a) firms allows federal construction firms to become prime contractors.
E. Firms aiming to provide supplies or services to DHS and FEMA have better chances of winning contracts with their 8(a) Certification due to the speedy contract award process.
F. 8(a) firms often grow into medium-sized federal contractors and are then sold for their government capabilities.
The missed opportunities are significant for many eligible 8(a) firms. Considering what’s at stake if you don’t seriously consider this small business accelerator, I strongly recommend seeking assistance with your application. Industry experts such as ez8a or Advance 8a are more than happy to help you overcome any and all obstacles. Neither charge for an initial consultation.