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Federal Marketing – No Substitution for Making Dials

I have seen many clients that have a great message for their product or service, but they often struggle in the federal space because they don’t know how to get any traction. Many want to pick up the phone and start dialing like they have done in the commercial marketplace, but they have no idea who to call within the federal government. For those that don’t enjoy making their dials, not knowing who to call can serve as a point of procrastination. So, I am going to show you how you can get past that.


An industry expert that can provide your firm with Targeted Marketing Lists of Federal Buyers that your firm needs to talk to is what I recommend. This can greatly narrow the scope of your firm’s marketing efforts and lower the number of phone calls you need to make, allowing for much more targeted marketing.  


To make the most out of these targeted calls, it is then critical to have the ability to explain in under 90 seconds how federal buyers could utilize your product or service.  


Once the list is put together here is a refresher on how to be you, and close the sale.


  1. Credible – Provide reasonable grounds for being believed, numbers can help here.
  2. Agreeable – A mindset of working for a win-win for both parties.
  3. Interactive – Having a two-way communication, asking questions to see if your product or service can solve a problem.  
  4. Captivating – Tell a good story about yourself, or your product or service. You must be interesting to hold their attention, and you must hold attention to make the sale.
  5. Relevant – Have a focus while making sure the person you are talking to would have a need for your product or service.
  6. Entertaining – Make sure the person on the phone is learning something new.
  7. Confident – It is important that you believe in yourself and your product or service.  
  8. Powerful – At times points need to be forceful, especially when being challenged on a product or service benefit.
  9. Funny – A humorous antidote is important to be memorable, and break the ice.
  10. Inspirational - Drive your opinion about your product or service, and why you believe in what you are doing.


Make sure to practice your routine before you go live. Write down any questions the federal buyers have, this will increase your ability to hone future pitches to your target market.


Remember the federal market is different than the private sector, however federal buyers have many of the same basic needs. If you would like to explore how to better market in the federal marketplace, I always recommend exploring federal list building and industry experts such as Fedvital. They do not charge for an initial consultation.


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