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Aspiring 8a

HUBZone Per Firm Reaches Record Sales 2021

HUBZone firms averaged $1.9MM in sales in 2021. HUBZone firms accounted for $12.2B in federal contracting dollars with 6,400 total program participants.


To get a feel for which industries are popular for HUBZone firms, take a quick look at sales across industries. IT/Consulting and Construction are the two most popular industries with over half of all HUBZone sales. See the list below:


Generally, the major requirement for obtaining a HUBZone Certification is that 35% of your firm’s employees reside within a HUBZone, and that your firm resides within a HUBZone.  


There is a good chance your firm is one of the 40,000 businesses located in counties where the entire county is deemed HUBZone eligible. Additionally, if a firm is in one of the aforementioned industries, they should think about engaging in federal sales. Below is the HUBZone map in order to make an initial HUBZone location determination.  




If you have gotten this far in the HUBZone conversation, I recommend contacting an industry expert such as ez8a or Advance 8a to find out more about how HUBZone opportunities can reshape your firm. Neither charge for an initial consultation.


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